GA-map® Dysbiosis Test reagent kit

Use of the GA map® Dysbiosis Test reagent kit

The GA-map® Dysbiosis Test reagent kit is an CE-IVD documented test designed for use in molecular labs. The reagent kit is produced at Genetic Analysis in Norway in compliance with ISO 13485. Included in the product is a software that performs QC on the run file, calculates the dysbiosis index (DI) score and Abundance table and converts each sample result into an easy-to-understand result report. At the core of the sw is an algorithm that absorbs GA’s large normal healthy reference and every sample analyzed is compared to this reference. The Instruction for Use describes all assay steps in detail and is documented to yield highly reproducible and robust results.

Visit our GA-map® webpages to learn more about the product.


Key Advantages with the GA-map® Dysbiosis Test:

  • The technology for the test can be set up at any PCR laboratory or samples can be sent to the GA service laboratory
  • An easy and useful tool in patient treatments of IBS, IBD, diabetes type 2, lifestyle diseases, leaky-gut syndrome and other gut disorders
  • The GA-map® Dysbiosis test is reproduceable, standardized and fast
  • An increasing number of researchers have discovered the efficiency and simplicity using the GA-map® Dysbiosis Test in gut microbiota analysis
  • Customized dysbiosis index after your needs

Requires the routine diagnostic laboratory to implement the GA-map® Technology platform and established the GA-map® Test. Fecal samples are locally collected and analyzed by the laboratory. GA will continuously provide CE-marked and validated reagents kit.

detlef janke – Commercial director

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